Thank you to all of our supporters

Matt – our London Marathon hero

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Annual Golf Tournament raises record £8400

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Lucid Foundation’s generous donation

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JHHHT team’s great success in RideLondon Essex 100

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Tim Gordon’s 1000 Km in 2021 raises £2.3k

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Great support for Royal Parks Half Marathon

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There are many ways that you can fundraise for JHHHT, by participating in one of our regular events or by organising a one-off event.

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The bedrock of our funding comes from regular donations by our supporters. To find out how you can help in this way click the button below.

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On behalf of the teenage cancer group at Haven House Children’s Hospice a big thank you to JHHHT for making it so easy to organise transport for those young people who would otherwise not have been able to attend. It makes a huge difference to families to know that transport is not a barrier to accessing services.